Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 to 5 In 9 months!

So it has finally happened! We are preggers with these 2 little guys and due June 13, 2011! It has not been an easy road getting here, but we are so grateful, excited and still trying to grasp the fact we will have 3 kids!
This pregnancy has been so different then my first one so far. I have been nauseated 24/7 and have absolutely been exhausted! We had a little scare this week and weren't sure that the babies would still be there! I woke up early on Tuesday morning with blood everywhere! Doug rushed me to the ER where they checked everything out. They did my physical exam and then sent us down to ultrasound. We thought we were going to hear bad news. I think the ultra sound tech even thought so because she asked if I wanted her to turn the monitor away. She started the ultrasound and almost instantly I saw our two little babies moving around like crazy and could see their little hearts beating! I don't think there has been a time when I have ever been so thankful! After the ultrasound we met with the doctor again who told us this could be the beginning of a miscarriage or it would resolve it's self and we could continue on with a healthy pregnancy. I was sent home on strict bed rest and to follow up with my doctor on Friday. Those next 3 days were emotionally exhausting! Not knowing what was going to happen! I went to my appointment on Friday and saw our 2 little babies again, moving around with fluttering little heart beats! My doctor said we were in the clear. That the clot had pretty much resolved itself and the babies will be fine! Phew it was such a relief! I am not on strict bed rest anymore, but am having to take it easy! I've had such a great support system and my family has been awesome taking care of me, and helping with Addaly!
So with that little scare out of the way and almost hitting my 12th week I'm feeling a little more at ease! Addaly is so excited and is convinced one is a boy and the other a girl! I think she may be right!She asked me the other day "are the babies going to get so big they pop out?!" Oh that girl seriously cracks me up! She is going to be the best big sister and little mother!

1 comment:

Holly and Landon said...

That is scary, I'm so glad everything turned out okay. And I'm sure Addaly will be the best little momma ever! :)