Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's about time!

I normally wouldn't be happy about an elective surgery, but in this case I am! My poor Addaly Doodle had suffered from ear infections in what seems like forever! This year has been especially worse. She has had one at least every other month or even 2 in one month! We go through the same routine every time she gets one. There's never really a fever and she'll play pretty good all day, It's the night time that's the worst! She wakes up in the middle of the night and can't sleep! She insists on coming up stairs to watch a movie. The good thing I guess is that now she's old enough to tell me that her ears hurt. So were able to give her motrin and the amazing ear drops! She goes in tomorrow to have tubes put in her ears. Although I'm happy that she will not have to suffer from ear infections anymore, I am a little nervous for the whole process! The procedure its self is doesn't take anytime and it won't be painful to her. It's the putting to sleep thing that has me nervous! I have never felt good about being put out. It took me 5 years to get my wisdom teeth out for that very reason. I know that she is in fabulous hands and they will take such good care of my doodles. I am so thankful that Addaly is a healthy kid and has never had any serious health problems. Good luck Doodle Bug! We love you tons! You will do fabulous!

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